Trenbolone-Acetate is a very powerful anabolic and androgenic steroidal hormone, so powerful it is 500 times more anabolic than testosterone as well as 500 times more androgenic; with this simple bit of knowledge we could stop right there and that would be enough to give you understanding of its true power. To understand the hormone a little more clearly we really only need to understand two things; the Trenbolone hormone and how the Acetate ester affects it and by this understanding there will be no doubt, it is the most powerfully amazing steroid of all time.
Trenbolone exists by its structural alteration at the 19th position; simply meaning, the testosterone molecule has been altered at this point effectively making Trenbolone a 19-nor class anabolic steroid. By way of this alteration, like Testosterone, by its direct mode of action Trenbolone dramatically increases IGF-1 output but to a far greater degree than testosterone.As you understand IGF-1 is a very powerful anabolic hormone produced in all human beings and its role is so important it affects nearly every cell within the human body. In the case of Trenbolone, as it will cause massive amounts of IGF-1 to be released it will also firmly bind to the androgen receptors which in-turn greatly promotes both fat-loss and promotes growth.As you again understand most anabolic steroids have a positive impact on the metabolism and fat burning but in the case of Trenbolone this is one of the few anabolic steroids that burns fat in a direct manner; it actually directly enhances lipolysis.